I firmly believe that research should strive for impact. Communicating insights and findings of our research to stakeholders are crucial parts of my job. I document here some of these recent attempts.
Explaining in the TV science show Galileo and the eco-nomic magazine ARD PlusMinus why shale gas has not really a future in Germany.
Talking at Innovate4Climate conference 2018 in Frankfurt about climate impact spillovers through international trade and adaptation measures.
A short statement on the public good character of adaptation finance at COP23 in December 2017 in Bonn.
Debatting at COP21 in Paris effects of climate policies on innovation, competitveness, and employment.
Discussing German climate- and energy policies at the Parliamentary Evening: Energy and Climate Policy - Impacts on Germany's Competitiveness organised by the Rhine Neckar Metropolitan Region in February 2016.